The 2013 Southern Line Islands Research Expedition is starting to publish results! Check out this new paper by Smith Lab San Diego State collaborators: Sequencing at sea: challenges and experiences in Ion Torrent PGM sequencing during the 2013 Southern Line Islands Research Expedition. They also made a youtube video!!!!
Envisioning Maui’s Reefs: Photomosaics as a conservation and analysis tool
The Smith and Sandin Labs in the Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation have been using new diver-operated technology to capture hundreds of reef images that will become a 200m² photomosaic. Coral reefs are global hotspots of species diversity and productivity that we value in the billions of dollars annually for fisheries, tourism, recreation, business, and coastal protection yet they … Read More
PhD student Maggie Johnson attends inspiring Gordon Research Conference
Gordon Research Conference: Global Ocean Change Biology I recently had the opportunity to participate in a Gordon Research Conference. If you haven’t heard of the Gordon conferences, you should take a minute and check them out ( They are based on a different format than the larger scientific conferences I have been too, like Ocean Sciences or the International Coral … Read More
Dr. Smith Featured in “Career Girls” Video!
Career Girls, Marine Biologist Dr. Smith. Career Girls is an organization dedicated to providing young girls of all income levels and ethnic backgrounds with the academic tools and support they need to achieve their professional aspirations. They do this by providing a “real world” context for a child’s academic studies, specifically through interviews with positive female role models and a … Read More
Smith Lab Undergraduate Niko Kaplanis wins Best Poster!
The Smith Lab Congratulates Niko!! Niko Kaplanis, a UCSD undergraduate who has been working in the Smith Lab for 3 years, won $500 for the Best Poster at the inaugural SIO Undergraduate Research Symposium on June 3rd, 2014. Niko’s poster describes his research on the detection, spread, and ecological impact of invasive seaweeds along San Diego’s coastline. Niko has been … Read More
In Memoriam: Rachel Morrison
On May 28th, 2014, the Smith & Sandin Lab lost one of their own. We remember Rachel Morrison as a dedicated and passionate young woman. Full of life, never without a smile and always striving to learn. She was an amazing person and will be dearly missed.
Coral Reef Ambassadors
Jill Harris, a PhD student in the Smith Lab takes part of Coral Reef Ambassadors, a cross cultural program designed to encourage youths from San Diego and Taiwan to learn more about coral reef ecology.
Acidification & Summer Vacation
Alex Neu is an undergrad researcher visiting the Smith lab for the summer. He is helping out with our acidification experiments and wanted to share his experience thus far.
Working with Birch Aquarium to Educate on Algae!
PhD students Emily Kelly & Maggie Johnson spent the afternoon with various aquarists and teachers at the Birch Aquarium for a workshop about local and tropical algal species that can be found at Birch Aquarium.
Volunteers from the Smith and Sandin Lab participated in the San Diego Oceans Foundation 27th annual Oceans Gala Benefit – Oceans for the Future: A Sustainable Seafood Celebration. They worked with local celebrity chefs helping them to prepare delicious seafood tastings as well as talk to a variety of guests about sustainable seafood.